Sunday, October 1, 2017

Holy Cow, this is unbelievable. I honestly don't understand how he could do it.

Robin Unger put up this gif of the Wiegman film, and I pointed out that after the still frame that was added at the end, there is no more film. It goes back to the beginning of the gif and repeats, and that is what all gifs do.

But now, Robin has made another gif in which he followed the still frame with another fuzzy frame which we don't see in the gif above.

Who do you think you are fooling, Unger? And it's ridiculous. How could it possibly go from being so clear to so fuzzy? It's a pretty extreme change, don't you think? But, in your first gif, it just jumps back to the beginning, and you know it. 

I maintain that the Wiegman film was deliberately blurred because it shows Lee Harvey Oswald at the beginning, and they needed to distort him so that he would not be recognizable.

That's Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald. And they did not want us to be able to recognize and identify him. But, this other frame they did not blur because it is NOT Lee Harvey Oswald. It is supposed to be Lovelady, but in reality, it was nobody. Nobody was there. They put the still image into the movie. 

That is a phony image. Oswald had already left for the lunch room. This stiff, zombie-like guy wasn't there. Nobody was there. The spot was empty. And look how out of proportion it is. Look how big he is compared to Popeye who is in front of him visoring his eyes. Popeye has got that massive, bulging arm, but otherwise, he is disproportionately small.
That's a freak! A fake and a freak. Which employee was Popeye? Look at his weird clothes. ONLY IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION DO YOU SEE WEIRD SHIT LIKE THIS. It has the most massively altered photography of any event in human history. And here it is 2017, and people are still defending it. 

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