Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Does Richard Hooke really think the frumpy, middle-aged woman on the right is a 17 year old girl?

Well, never mind that because I have a more important question: What do the Garage Shooter and the Babushka Lady have in common? Can you guess what it is? Think about it a second, and then i'll tell you.

OK, well, it's actually two things. What the Garage Shooter and Babushka Lady have in common is that there are many images of each of them, but they are all obscure, where you can't see their face and determine their identity from looking at them. It's always either from behind or the side or from an angle, but one way or another, you don't get to see their face.

There is a one exception for BL, but it is a fake image of her, so it doesn't count. It shows BL with her scarf undone, and that did not happen.

Then, related to that, is he fact that each wore a disguise. The Garage Shooter wore a Fedora hat, worn low on his head, and the Babushka Lady wore a tight scarf around her head and a long trench coat. In each case, it was a disguise.

And here's a third thing they have in common: they both had impostors. The Garage Shooter was Shorty James Bookhout, who was impersonating Jack Ruby, but there's another Ruby impostor in the garage appearing behind Detective Blackie Harrison in the line-up on the Main Street side of the foyer, and you could also say that he was impersonating the Garage Shooter.

The Babushka Lady had only a photographic impostor, the woman with the undone scarf. But, Babushka Lady never undid her scarf, and that other lady was never there. It's not as though there were two Babushka Ladies on Elm Street. They just put the other one in the photo. They just plopped her in there to mislead.

So, what is the truth about Babushka Lady? Babushka Lady was an insider. She was involved with the plotters. She was probably the wife of one of the plotters. You notice that she never went up to the curb on Elm Street like the other spectators did, even though there was plenty of room for her. She always stayed well back on the grass. That's because she knew it was a Kill Zone. How close would you get to a Kill Zone? I'm sure her husband, whoever he was, chastised her to stay back- out of harm's way. And you notice that afterwards, unlike other spectators, she never dropped to the ground or even looked frightened. That's because she knew the shooting spree was over. JFK was gone from Dealey Plaza; therefore, the shooting had to be over.

As far as her never coming forward afterwards, that's a lie. As I said, she was probably the wife of one of the plotters. She only had to give her film to him, and I'm sure she did. All the public appeals for her to come forward were just a ruse.

And, when they finally gave up on Mary Moorman's photo because it revealed something too explosive, they replaced it with a photo that was taken by Babushka Lady. However, the angle was different, which meant that the photographic capture was different, and to cover that up, they had to install the white thumbprint.

Few people are aware that the white thumbprint on the Moorman photo didn't come about until weeks after the assassination. Mary had "lent" it to the FBI, and when they returned it, it had the thumbprint- with their apologies. What do you think? Do you think that thumbprint happened by accident? You should start messing with some photos and discovering what it takes to leave a white thumbprint on one. It can't be done without coating your thumb with some volatile agent. You can't just press your thumb into a photo. That has no effect at all. I've tried it a lot of times.

We don't know who the Babushka Lady was. She definitely was not Beverly Arnold, who was just 17 years old at the time. The Babushka Lady was old enough to have a 17 year old daughter- easily. Maybe she did.

But, we do know who the Garage Shooter was. He was FBI Agent James Bookhout, masquerading as Jack Ruby. And because he wasn't Jack Ruby, he was very careful not to show his face. And if necessary, I'm sure films were edited to make sure they didn't show his face.

Just think: Hugh Aynesworth knew Jack Ruby for 3 years and had seen him several times that very weekend. Yet, he didn't recognize him when he zoomed in. He didn't find out it was Jack Ruby until he was told afterwards. But, it wasn't Jack Ruby. It was James Bookhout. And about that, there is not the tiniest sliver of doubt.

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