Thursday, November 12, 2015

1:19 PM (2 hours ago)
On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 8:30:51 PM UTC-4, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> He remembered. He said he was out with Bill Shelley in front.
He was on the 6th floor. 

Ralph Cinque:

He couldn't have been on the 6th floor. He reached the 2nd floor lunch room from the office side, which means he used the front steps which didn't even go to the 6th floor. It was a one-flight staircase. 

It's hopeless, Boz. And what I'm enjoying about Talbot's book is his attitude, brandished on every page, that everyone with even half a brain knows that the official story is bogus, that of course Dulles and them did it, that the official story is just theater; pablum for the masses. 

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