Monday, November 9, 2015

I have posted this letter from the FBI to the Warren Commission in which they said that Lovelady stated that he wore a red and white vertical striped shirt and blue jeans.

So, was that a written mistake? If so, they made it twice.

That letter to the WC was dated March 2, 1964, but there was a second, longer letter sent to the WC the next day, dated March 3, 1964. I won't post the whole thing, but look what it includes:

Notice that this second time, some fool actually typed "read" instead of "red", but the meaning is still clear. Another difference is that the "blue-jeans" is hyphenated. So, the odds are extremely great that it was typed by a different person. Why assume that the same person would make such errors after having typed it correctly the day before? 

But, what I have to assume from this is that Lovelady really did say it: that he wore the red and white striped shirt and blue jeans.

And obviously, there is no reason whatsoever to think that he lied. 
Why the hell would he lie about that?

So, what really happened when the FBI went to visit Lovelady on November 25? Although, I should point out that according to his wife it was on November 23. Did Lovelady really identify himself as Doorman? Or, did he just identify himself as being in the doorway and the FBI extrapolated it to him being Doorman? One thing we know for sure is that they didn't sit him down in front of press cameras and mics to claim that he was Doorman. They could have, but they didn't. 

And with the Warren Commission the next month (April), Attorney Joseph Ball didn't even ask Lovelady directly by pointing to Doorman and asking if that was him. Instead, Ball played the game with the arrow and never articulated that Lovelady drew his arrow to Doorman. He didn't. 

And that means that what the FBI published on March 3, 1964 was a flat-out, bold-faced lie. They just put words in Lovelady's mouth and then they hid him. But, they must have gotten word to Joseph Ball about what really happened in March- how uncooperative Lovelady was- and that's why Ball played it safe and did what he did.

But, after that, Ball must have gotten back to the FBI, along the line of, "that fucker betrayed us, God-damn son of a bitch."

And that's when the FBI must have visited Lovelady again, along the line of, "Perhaps we didn't make ourselves clear last time about what we need from you and the consequences if you don't deliver.."

And I suspect that Lovelady got the message that time. 

But still, then and for the rest of his life, Lovelady did NOT like talking about it. He stole away to Colorado and hid. And when the HSCA came 'acallin' in 1976 with that patriotic citizen Robert Groden in tow, doing all he could to help the government in its case, Lovelady must have pleaded to Groden and Brooten, "PLEASE!! I'm begging you!! Don't force me to testify!" And they granted his wish, but probably not so much out of compassion as from realizing that Lovelady stunk at lying. He would never make a good witness. And realizing that, Ken Brooten quit his job at the HSCA to represent Lovelady.  And that is incredible. When has that ever happened before or since in the history of jurisprudence?

This Lovelady farce has been going on for 52 years, but late last night, Larry Rivera killed it, once and for all. He choked it to death with his bare hands. And one thing I can tell you about dead things is: they don't come back to life. Never do they come back to life.  

It has been a diabolical plot since Day1, and I can't help but wonder:

Why the Hell did they publish that fuckin' thing?????? Why didn't they just destroy it the moment they saw that Oswald was in it? Nobody would have complained. Only one person in the world knew about the existence of the photo, and that was Ike Altgens, and he was a team player. If they told him to shut up about it, he would have. Although, I can't be sure it would have kept him alive. He died mysteriously during the ARRB under highly suspicious circumstances. His is the last suspicious death in the JFK case of which I am aware, occurring December 12, 1995. I can't say whether they did any killing in the 21st century or whether they will kill again to suppress JFK truth, but, I certainly don't rule it out.

I'm sure that their tenacity and determination to suppress JFK truth is just as great today as it ever was before. And why shouldn't it be when the consequences would be just as dire? 

Who knows how much they are spending to support the Army of Ops who are working the JFK cover-up online and from multiple countries, including the UK and Australia. Some posture as LNs while others pose as CTs in an elaborate, complex web of deceit.

That it was Oswald in the doorway is now known beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt, and there is not a thing they can do about it. It's over.   


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