Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It's outrageous the way some people act outraged at my claim of phony Loveladys, starting with Gorilla Man when I can prove that it's phony without even referring to Lovelady. 

Besides Lovelady,  it features Bonnie Ray Williams, and that's impossible. Bonnie Ray was inside! He was up on the 5th floor during the shooting and when he came downstairs, he was stopped by police right away to answer questions and report what he saw. And then- and this is the clincher- they wouldn't let him go outside. So, how could he be outside? 

Mr. BALL. Did you go out of the building shortly after you came downstairs?
Mr. WILLIAMS. They wouldn't let anybody out of the building. 

So, that guy is supposed to be Bonnie Ray Williams, but he wasn't him. He looks like him, and he's dressed like him, but he's not him.

Now remember: you know from the circumstances that it wasn't him because 15 minutes after the shooting, when the film was taken, Bonnie Ray Williams was definitely inside the building. But, even photographically, we can tell that that guy isn't him. For one, he is too stocky.  Bonnie Ray Williams was very thin; thinner than that guy, who was stocky in comparison. The impostor's neck was shorter. His hairline was different, and I mean further back with more receding. And it's not the same shirt either. And if somebody tries to claim that there just happened to be a Bonnie Ray Williams look-alike and dress-alike there, as they do for Oswald, they'll risk seeing my bad side. It's a ridiculous claim to make about Oswald, but to throw in the same claim about Williams? It is absolutely insane.  

And, both Williams and Lovelady said they weren't there when the film was taken. So, what we  have here is an impossibility. The clip of Gorilla Lovelady is an impossible clip. 

And here's the kicker: You see that guy in front with the black hair and the black sweater? Well, he's supposed to be Danny Arce, seen on the left below. 

Danny Arce was and is a dark-skinned hispanic guy. He was certainly not that pale dude in the clip. Besides, Arce NEVER claimed to be there either. He claimed to join the throng of people who descended on the railway area and he never claimed to return to the front. 

The point is that the whole clip is fake, and those people in it, who are supposed to be TSBD luminaries, are really just "crisis actors." 

I have that term on my mind because this evening I watched Scott Wilson on The Real Deal with Jim Fetzer, and Scott pointed out various crisis actors who were involved in the Sandy Hook charade. 

Here's a sample of one of the victims. On the left is a guy named Sherlock whose wife was supposedly killed. On the right is a man who attended the funeral of Matt Mattioli, a young boy, who, according to Scott and others, is still alive. Did the grief cause Sherlock's hair to grey overnight? But, the guy on the right was never identified as Sherlock.  

Crisis actors. They've got them today, and they had them way back when. The Gorilla Man clip was made in 1966. That's when Harold Weisberg was screaming bloody murder about Oswald being in the doorway and Lovelady having worn a short-sleeved striped shirt. The whole purpose of the clip was to showcase Lovelady in a long-sleeved plaid shirt. That's the only reason they made it. The shirt was the star!  But, we are expected to believe that nobody noticed Lovelady in the Martin film until 1966 even though the Martin film was made on November 22, 1963, and the Doorman issue arose immediatley. So, for 3 years, nobody noticed him, even though the film was in FBI hands most of that time?

I'm not saying there may be fake clips of Lovelady in a plaid shirt. I'm saying there definitely are fake clips of Lovelady in a plaid shirt, that every image of Lovelady in a plaid shirt on 11/22/63 is fake BECAUSE HE DIDN'T WEAR A PLAID SHIRT. The whole idea is a lie. How can you have a real photo of a lie? 

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