Sunday, November 8, 2015

Let us compare the Newseum shirt, showcased in 2013, with the shirt as it appeared on Oswald's body.

First, notice how stiff the collar is on the Newseum shirt. Oswald's collar was not like that; it was a soft collar. If you think they did something to it to make it that way, they had no right. That shirt is forensic evidence, and they have no right to alter forensic evidence. But on Oswald, notice how soft the margin of the shirt was as well, the way it folded over into a lapel and laid flat. His shirt is folded over, doubled over on his left side, which is our right. But, the Newseum shirt isn't doing that (and note that it is being worn by a manikin) nor could it do it because THE MATERIAL IS TOO THICK. In your life, have you ever had a shirt that folded over the way Oswald's did? I'll tell you right now that you haven't, and I know God-damn well that I haven't. That was a different kind of shirt that Oswald wore and undoubtedly one that he brought back with him from Russia. It was actually a hybrid between a shirt and a jacket. 

How the hell could that be this?

I think they started from scratch, that they built that shirt to call it Oswald's, and they were careful not to make it look too much like Oswald's since he was wearing it in the doorway. That Newseum shirt is a lie. It's just one of numerous and neverending and bloodied lies that they tell about the JFK assassination to hide the fact that the Deep State killed Kennedy and framed Oswald.  

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