Sunday, November 1, 2015

Robin Unger has put up the so-called Darnell clip of Prayer (wo)Man on Youtube.  He extracted it, not from the Darnell film, but from Oliver Stone's JFK on Blu-Ray.

I would like to propose to possibility that the Prayer (wo)Man figure as well as the Supposed Frazier figure are FAKE. I think it is a very reasonable possibility, and I'll list the reasons.

1) They don't move. Of course, the whole, entire, and complete purpose of making the clip and showing the clip was to show Baker moving. And not jut moving, but running. So, you see him running, and it's the one movement that stands out in the video. But, if you look closely, you can see other people moving as well. But, you don't see any movement in Prayer (wo)Man or in Supposed Frazier for the seconds that they are seen. 

2) Distortion. Both Prayer (wo)Man and Supposed Frazier are highly distorted figures. They could not possibly physically be the way they appear in the film. Yet, most of the figures look perfectly natural and properly proportioned. But, how could they be distorted but not others?

Do you see how Supposed Frazier is leaning back? Do you see how his spine swayed way, way back? Well, that is possible. Dr. Cinque is telling you that that is impossible. He could not possibly have been standing like that. But, figures get distorted when you insert them into films. Look what happened to the Lovelady figure that was installed into the Hughes film.

Stuff happened to them. The technology was perfected yet. And that is from a version that Robin Unger put up. It's not my doing. 

On Prayer (wo)Man, the distortion concerns the size of the head in comparison to the size of the body. The head is too small. 

We have a clearer version:

 So, the microcephaly of Prayer (wo)Man is readily apparent, and on Supposed Frazier, we see the freakishly impossible shape of the head and the freakishly impossible angle of the spine, which is at odds with the angle of his head, even though it's the neck that moves the head, and the neck is part of the spine. So, it's just a complete mess. 

But, somebody tried to fix all those problems by photoshopping. Look at this version:

They messed with the aspect ratio and did other things to humanize both of them. On Prayer Man, they made his head bigger, and they got rid of the gender ambiguity of the other; he definitely looks male. And Supposed Frazier look like he put on 40 pounds of muscle, but they got rid of the distortion in his head, his spine, and his posture. So, this looks much better, but we know it isn't real because the clip that Robin Unger put up is real. 

But, when I say "real" I mean really how the clip is not really how the people were. Frazier certainly was not how we see him.

No. He could not have been captured like we see on the right.

3) Their behaviors. This was about 10 seconds after the last shot. Why would Prayer (wo)Man be standing there in the corner doing nothing and looking at nothing? And why would Supposed Frazier be standing the way he is locked in that position? They were probably still images added to the moving picture. 

And it wasn't the only time they did that. They added the 2nd Doorman to the Wiegman film after Oswald left for the lunch room.

I want to talk now only to the people who know that Oswald was Doorman. Look at this guy, the Doorman: 

You know, from looking at him, that he isn't Oswald. Oswald wasn't bald; his head and face weren't round; his neck was longer; and he was about 30 pounds lighter. So, that can't be Oswald. But, there was only one Doorman, and that was Oswald. Therefore, this Doorman can't be real. They must have put him into the film. And he's as stiff as a Cigar Store Indian; he doesn't move. He was a still image added to the moving picture.

But, why would they add Prayer (wo)Man and Supposed Lovelady to the Darnell clip? I suspect it was done just to fill-up the doorway, just to enhance the idea that Baker had to fight his way through a swarm of people. 

Was this clip ever seen before the JFK movie? Whether it was or wasn't, I maintain that it was done to create the crowded, swarming look, the idea that Baker was tearing through a crowd of people. 

Here it is with them removed, but maybe some of other figures are fake as well because they don't move either.

Anyway, how pathetic that those people are gathering in Australia next month to make hoopla over a cinematic contrivance. 

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