Wednesday, November 4, 2015

So, that is Bookhout's solo report, dictated on 11/24, and I presume it was after Oswald was dead. After all, he was probably busy with Oswald until he was rushed to the hospital. So, Bookhout wrote this in the comfort of knowing that Oswald was dead and could not contest it. And that's the key thing: that Oswald's death freed Bookhout to twist Oswald's own words.

But, Bookhout did admit that Oswald did say that he owned no rifle. Even after being told that that rifle was used to kill the President, Oswald would not have lied about it if it was his, and for two reasons. 

First, he would have known that it was probably futile to lie, that they would find out that he owned it whether he told them or not.   

And second, he would have known that the very act of lying would make him look guilty, which he wasn't.

And I'll add a third: even if he did own the rifle, it didn't mean automatically and necessarily that he did the shooting. Rifles and other weapons get stolen all the time. He would have told them: 

"It's mine, but I didn't do it. Somebody stole my rifle."

So, the fact that he told them that he didn't own the rifle means that he really didn't own it. And that means that the Backyard photos must be fake. And that means that photographic alteration started in the JFK assassination even before Kennedy was gunned down.

Next, Bookhout sails right past Oswald's alibi to state where Oswald said he was during the search of the building which followed the shooting. Bookhout, an FBI agent, left out Oswald's alibi. How could he do that? How could anybody do it?

Then, he related the lunch room encounter, and it certainly proves that Oswald admitted to it. So, to those who say  that it never happened, that Baker encountered someone else on the 3rd or 4th floor, listen to Oswald. 

And then, Bookhouts finishes with two outright lies: that Oswald ate lunch after the assassination and that he encountered Bill Shelley in front when he left for home. Both were vicious, bold-faced lies that Bookhout told in the knowledge that the man he was talking about was dead and could not refute him. How despicable. 
And how rapidly they were trying to close the case, wrap it up, tie it up, and cinch it up. Oh, how evil are the wicked, and oh, how bloodied are the seemingly civilized.  

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