Monday, November 16, 2015

This map of the 1st floor shows you that Oswald could not have been in the domino room at 12:30. That's because it shows that the domino room was against the far back wall of the building, and if he had to go from there to the 2nd floor lunch room, he'd surely have used the back stairs. That's because the 2nd floor lunch room was also at the back of the building. 

But do you see in the lower right corner where it says "up to 2"? Those were the front stairs which went only one flight to the 2nd floor. We know Oswald used those stairs. We know it because he was first seen by Baker coming through the office door of the vestibule. It means he came from the office area. It means he walked across the 2nd floor to get there. And that means he used the front stairs in the southeast corner. 

Now, unless he was looking to exercise, he wouldn't have taken those stairs if he was starting out from the domino room. But, if he was in the doorway, as we know he was, those steps made perfect sense for him; they are the steps he'd have taken. 

Lee Harvey Oswald was standing in the doorway at this moment, which coincides with the Altgens photo.

And then, a few seconds later, he was gone. (how it must have looked originally)

He left. Oswald left. He left for the lunch room. He had to have. That's because he walked. He did not rush at all. Remember, he wasn't the least bit out of breath when Truly and Baker saw him. He had no oxygen debt. So, he had to take his time. And that means he had to leave early. Now, at that point, which was about 4 seconds later, the fatal head shot had already happened. So now, the clock is ticking for Baker. He's getting off his bike, and he'll be running like he means it. Yet, Oswald is going to beat him to the lunch room- barely. How could Oswald do that? He could do it because he got a head start, and that means he must have left very soon after the Altgens photo was taken. 

Of course, the alterers saw right away that Oswald was visible in the Wiegman film- at first- and then they also saw that he was gone when Wiegman panned the doorway a second time. Why did Wiegman pan the doorway a second time? The action was down Elm Street, right? So, why did he do it? He did it because there must have been some commotion and/or some noise in that doorway, and it probably had to do with Shelley getting Oswald to go. Maybe Oswald put up some resistance. 

This is how the doorway looks in the Wiegman film for the 2nd pan.

You notice that there is a Doorman there. First, I have a question: You notice that all the figures east of Doorman are completely and totally distorted. Why? If you think it was due to movement, then why isn't Carl Jones similarly distorted? I'm sure that every time you have taken a picture in which there was movement distortion that it affected the whole frame. How could it be so terribly bad in just that right corner? 

Now, if you look at that Doorman figure, you notice first that he's bald. And that means he can't be the Altgens Doorman. The HSCA identified the Altgens Doorman's hairline as a match to that of Young Lovelady. They didn't call him Young Lovelady; they just called him Lovelady. But, this is the image that they used. 

 Now, I agree with the HSCA anthropologists that the hairlines do match, but I disagree that that image on the left was taken close to the time of the assassination. They put a date on it of 1959, and that's not close. But, they never substantiated the date of 1959, and I categorically reject it. I think 1957 is a much more likely date for it, based on how young he looks, which means 6 years prior. But, the point is that the Altgens Doorman isn't bald, so how can the 2nd Wiegman Doorman, who is bald, be the same man?

Furthermore, the 1st Wiegman Doorman wasn't bald. So that 2nd Wiegman Doorman above is no match to the 1st Wiegman Doorman nor to the Altgens Doorman. And why would he be looking straight ahead like that? And why would he come out undistorted when the people next to him are a mess, totally undecipherable? And what is causing that black smear over his face and atop the head of Frazier?

Do you, or do you not, see that black smear of distortion? It almost makes the Frazier figure look like he is wearing a top hat. What is the explanation for it? 

The JFK assassination is a filthy sea of photographic alteration. It is the most photographically altered event in the history of humanity. The people who did it- the alterers- were scum, and the people whose job it is today to deny that any altering was done are also scum. Filthy, dirty, bloodied scum. 

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