Monday, July 3, 2017

This Muchmore frame exposes it all. It gives it all away. 

Look at Martin. Look at Hargis. Look at Hargis' tool box behind him. Look at Martin's front wheel in front of him. Can you see that they are on different planes? Hargis is deeper in the picture, so the line of his bike is higher than that of Martin.

And, you can see that if you tried to draw a line from Hargis' toolbox to Martin's front wheel, you would wind up with a diagonal line that is all wrong; it is connecting the rear wheel of one bike with the front wheel of the other.

It's exactly the same with the Moorman photo. We are seeing Martin's wheel in front and Hargis' toolbox in back.

Martin and Hargis each have their own plane lines, with Hargis' being higher in the photo since he's deeper in the camera field. 

 And, if you tried to draw a line from Hargis' toolbox to Martin's front wheel, you get a weird diagonal line with no relevance.

That diagonal line does not work. It is not where Hargis' bike is going. So, this is skewed:

And this is skewed:

I said, this is skewed:

And this is skewed:

And this is BJ Martin in the Moorman photo before they covered him up with that goofy, deranged thumb:

It's the exact same thing. This Muchmore frame captures it all; exposes it all; reveals it all.

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